What is Seen as Reality Is Preferred

“What is seen as “reality, is simply what the mind prefers.  Its hierarchy of values is projected outward and sends the body’s eyes to find it. The body’s eyes will never see except through differences.  Yet it is not the messages they bring on which perception rests. ”   Taken from “A Course in Miracles” by Jesus Christ

For Contemplation

Keep in mind that these teachings provide that “we are not bodies”, but a “one” mind of individuated spirit beings with unique personalities. While being in this physical training world, dimension and segment of time, we are to learn of ourselves by self-study of our thinking for analyzation.  The process includes comparison and self-correction in understandings and beliefs of the world, self and others. Teachings give concepts to consider, though only the truth is true and may not be recognized or understood correctly because of beliefs. Contemplation on concepts is a function of thinking serving the training and evolution of mind.

Reality Seen is Preferred

From this teaching, we are to consider that the reality we perceive is not an objective truth, but rather a creation of our own mind. It may seem hard to believe, but the concept of reality is highly subjective and influenced by our individual preferences and values.

Our minds project our hierarchical values onto the external illusionary world. We subconsciously seek out and focus on the things that align with our beliefs and desires. This projection shapes our perception, making us see what we want to see.

But here’s the catch: our perception is not solely dependent on the senses of the body. It goes beyond that. Our minds have a tendency to interpret the senses through lens of differences. We categorize and judge things based on their distinctions from one another.

However, it’s important to realize that perception is not limited to these differences. There is a deeper layer to it.  The senses of the body are filtered through our mind’s preferences and values, which ultimately shape our perception of reality.

So, why is this important? Understanding the subjective nature of reality allows us to question and challenge our own perceptions. It opens up the possibility of seeing beyond the surface-level differences and exploring the underlying truths.

By recognizing that our perception is influenced by our own preferences, we can become more open-minded and receptive to alternative viewpoints. We can strive to see the world from different perspectives, fostering empathy and understanding.

So, the next time you encounter a conflicting viewpoint or experience, remember that your perception is not an absolute truth.

Contemplate on the idea that reality of this world is a fluid concept, shaped by your own mind. Challenge your assumptions, seek diverse perspectives, and always strive to expand your understanding of the world.

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