The Second Coming is merely the return of SENSE. Can this POSSIBLY be fearful? The "second coming" is a...
SD Stone
The real world was given you by God, in loving exchange for the world YOU made, and which you SEE....
"In time, we exist for and with each other. In Timelessness, we coexist with God."
In "A Course in Miracles", Jesus teaches that God did not create this world. So the question arises, then who...
You were created as a species, a source being. You are the creator's body. In order to deal with the...
All miracles mean Life, and God is the giver of Life. Miracles are natural. When they do NOT occur something...
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“Yes, you are gods, but you are very young gods.” Taken from “Book of Days” -173 Taken from “A...
Mind Neither Material nor Creature, but Spirit From Creator Read Along and or Just Listen Get Book The "Urantia...
Light Cannot Enter Darkness When Mind Believes in Darkness Darkness as taught in these teachings, is the reverse of perfection...
Listen to and or read along with audio In the course, Jesus teaches, Religion .. obvious attempt to unify into...
The world you see is an illusion of a world. It is a state of isolation, which SEEMS to be...