Our Dark Side, A Gnosis Teaching.

Video Teaching

Our Dark Side

Gnosis Provides for Our Quest for Understanding Self.

In “A Course in Miracles” we’re told that the problems of the world and with ourselves is that we do not know what we are. The course provides teachings, we are not bodies, hence its purpose and mind training lessons. We’re also told to forget what we have learned from the world and open our minds to the idea of being the mind which is spirit, with spirit that is our conscious, our guide, our teacher.

In our quest for understanding, we often find ourselves limited by the boundaries of our own knowledge. We are bound by the constraints of time, space, and our own perspectives. But beyond all these limitations, we’re told that there exists a universal Knowledge that transcends everything we know. It is a knowledge that holds answers to our deepest questions about life, death, and the very nature of existence itself.

Gnosis means “knowledge” of spiritual truth, an intuitive knowing.

This superior Knowledge, known as Gnosis, has been sought after by ancient civilizations throughout history. It teaches a Truth that surpasses our grasp, yet we can strive to uncover certain aspects of it. It seems Gnosis is not something that can be easily defined or contained. It is a profound understanding that eludes us, both within ourselves and in the world around us.

Gnosis is the mechanism through which Consciousness operates. It is the key that unlocks the mysteries of the universe and our place within it. By delving into Gnosis, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit. It is through this understanding that we can truly awaken to our full potential as human beings.

Imagine the possibilities if we were to tap into this universal Knowledge. We could transcend the limitations of our own perspectives and expand our consciousness to new heights. We could gain insights into the very fabric of reality and uncover the secrets of creation itself. With Gnosis as our guide, we could navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and clarity.

But we’re admonished the path to Gnosis is not an easy one. It requires dedication, curiosity, and an open mind. It demands that we question our own beliefs and challenge the status quo. It calls upon us to explore the depths of our own consciousness and confront our own limitations. Only through this journey of self-discovery can we hope to catch a glimpse of the vastness of Gnosis.

So let us embark on this journey together, driven by our innate desire for knowledge and understanding. Let us embrace the mysteries that lie before us and seek to unravel the enigma of Gnosis. For in doing so, we may just uncover the profound truths that have eluded us for so long. The time has come to awaken to the power of Gnosis and unlock the doors to a higher level of consciousness.  For more on “Gnosis”, see website: Gnosis- Universal and Timeless Knowledge, presented by International Gnostic Movement (MGI)

Related:   1.   We Are Not Bodies, but More    2.  Personality Neither Bod, Mind, Spirit, Nor Soul.

About Author

Writer and producer of correlating spiritual teachings.

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