SD Stone

Writer and producer of correlating spiritual teachings.

“Giving to get” is an inescapable law of the ego, which ALWAYS evaluates itself in relation to others’ egos, and...

  "The Holy Spirit IS the Universal Inspiration, the mind's stimulator. The Holy Spirit is literally in you because God...

Listen to and or watch video teaching. In "A Course in Miracles" Jesus tells us, "The world of...

Watch video teaching This video teaching taken from, "A Course in Miracles". The ego is a term used to...

Taken from the "Urantia Papers", the Celestials tells us; The material self, the ego-entity of human identity, is dependent during...

Let us begin this lesson in “ego dynamics”, by understanding that the term itself does not mean anything. In fact,...

Watch video teaching You Made Problems Been Answered All Problems Are the Same    

Taken from "A Course in Miracles by Jesus Christ - Lesson 79 Everyone in this world seems to have his...

Video Teaching "A Course in Miracles" teachings, are said to have been given to us from Jesus Christ. These... "THE ALL is MIND.  While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in...

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